Integrated Enforcement Review

Environment and Communities Overview & Scrutiny Panel

Reason for review

Panel members are aware of longstanding enforcement issues as well as the financial constraints currently on local government. This review will explore alternative service delivery models for enforcement which can consistently and effectively address these issues but also be flexible enough to respond to emerging concerns.



The review will look to:

·         Identify roles within Bracknell Forest Council which have enforcement responsibilities and understand what enforcement powers are available, and which are used in Bracknell Forest.

·         Explore if there are any opportunities to integrate enforcement roles and responsibilities.

·         Gaining an understanding of the Community Safety Accreditation Scheme (CSAS).

·         Assess the benefits and implications of further integrated enforcement with a view to ensuring proportionality, consistency, transparency and accountability.


The review Panel will do this by:

·         Carrying out a mapping exercise to establish which officers in the Council currently have enforcement responsibilities, for example car park enforcement, licensing, environmental health, community safety, Planning Enforcement etc.

·         Carrying out desk top analysis of the Council’s enforcement policies and available accreditation schemes,

·         Interviewing good practice within other local authorities,

·         Interviewing representatives from various departments within the Council, the Parish and Town Councils and Thames Valley Police,


At the conclusion of this work the Panel will produce a report highlighting its findings and propose recommendations to the Executive about whether it would be beneficial to integrate enforcement functions further in Bracknell Forest.


Delivery methods: Mapping exercise; desk top analysis, interviews, evidence gathering sessions


Council theme: Value for money



Council team: Kevin Gibbs, Executive Director: Delivery

Andrew Hunter, Executive Director: Place, Planning and Regeneration

Review due: June 2022

Proposed by: Cllr John Porter, Chair Environment and Communities


Equalities Impact Assessment
During this review the Panel will assess the data to ensure no group of residents are disproportionately affected by its recommendations.


Financial and legal implications

There are potentially legal and financial implications of any recommendations arising from this review which will be fully addressed in the review report.


Climate Change implications


Potentially opportunities to centralise and/or diversify enforcement activities with comparable functions could lead to a reduction in duplication or overlaying of activities. This reduction could decrease the number of journeys to sites of interest which would have a positive impact on climate change and should be considered as part of this review.